Do you like breathing?

Many of you know that my husband and I started down a new career path about 2 years ago. After becoming extremely sick with migraines when I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I started researching like crazy.  I wanted to figure out what was causing this response in my body and what could be done. The migraines would begin anytime I would smell a perfume, deodorant, laundry detergent, etc.

I had assumed my sensitivity would wane after having my son but it did not. I still get awful headaches from people walking by me or the stores with all their smells.

I became really passionate about helping others learn natural living when I studied what happens to your body as you wear, breathe and pile up these posions in your body (come on, did you think the supermarket was selling you something good for $1.97?)
Do you like your lungs? Your heart? Your brain cells? How about your blood stream? Do you enjoy breathing?
Just curious.

In April, I am starting a 30 day toxin detox program for those of you who want to see how good you really could feel. You may be quite surprised!

Please, please, please hear my heart. I didn’t stop providing full-time mental health therapy after 3 different college degrees just because I thought it would be fun to play in Shea Butter all day (even though that is fun 😊). I added a natural living career to my life because I want you to experience life to the fullest- to feel and function at your best- to enjoy life because you feel good!

Providing therapy lets me help people clean out the gunk inside so they can function healthily again. Providing natural living training lets me help people clean out the gunk on the outside so they can live their best life.

(*note* I cannot provide both for you- I can be your therapist OR your natural living coach but I cannot legally provide both- and I don’t want to!!! Lol!!! 💟)


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